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Technical description

Full equipment name: SPTS Omega c2L


Omega c2L cluster system supporting two plasma etch chambers (Rapier and Synapse). The cluster system has support for 4, 6 and 8 inch wafers. Standard configuration is 6 inch.

General purpose:
• Dry etching of Silicon in the Rapier Process Module
• Dry etching of SiO2, SiC and SiN in the Synapse Process Module

Technical data and resrictions:
• One loadlock cassette loading system with two process modules (Rapier and Synapse)

1. Rapier Process Module:
  - For silicon etching
  - Gases: SF6, C4F8, N2, Ar, O2

  - Standard recipes: small scallop recipe, fast etch rate recipe, isotropic etch / silicon thinning recipe, polymer strip recipe, tapered sidewall profile recipe, RIE silicon recipe
  - Generally wafers with metal are not allowed in the chamber. Au, Ag and Cu are strictly forbidden.

Description: The Rapier process module is a deep silicon etcher using an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching system for etching deep trenches in silicon. The tool uses a fast switching (> = 0.7 seconds) Bosch process that produces sidewall profiles with small scallops with etch rates up to 15 µm per minute. Moreover, non-switched etching can be used to achieve tapered profiles. The Claritas end point detector can minimize the notching of SOI wafer etch as well as control the pre-etch and the post-etch cleaning.

2. Synapse Process Module:
  - For SiO2, SiC and SiN etching
  - Gases: SF6, C4F8, CHF3, CF4, H2, He, Ar, O2

  - Standard recipes: SiO2 etch recipes (PR, p-Si/a-Si, and metal masks), SiN etch recipe, FS-SiC etch recipe, Deep SiC etch recipe
  - Ni and Cr are allowed as metal masks

Description: The SPTS Synapse process module uses a high density plasma source and is designed to etch strongly bonded materials. The process chamber can be heated to 130 ºC to reduce the amount of by-product deposition and improve MTBC. The chamber is also surrounded by permanent magnets which result in a higher plasma density than conventional ICPs. Higher plasma density means higher etch rate of strongly bonded materials.

Tool name:
Dry etching
Tool rate:

1. Rapier Process Module:

Recipe: Std_6in_Si_1-100um_Etch:
  - For etching small features (< 100um)
  - Profile: 89.9°; Scallops: 64nm; Uniformity: <3%; Selectivity to oxide: >100; Etch Rate (2.5um trench): 2.8um/min.

Recipe: Std_6in_Si_300um_Etch:
  - For etching small features (> 10um)
  - Profile: 90.4°; Scallops: 120nm; Uniformity: <3%; Selectivity to oxide: >100; Etch Rate (800um trench): >3um/min.

Recipe: Std_6in_Si_Large_Open:
  - For etching Large Open Area Masks
  - Profile: 90.5°; Scallops: 2um; Uniformity: <2%; Selectivity to oxide: >350; Etch Rate (50um trench): >28um/min.


2. Synapse Process Module:

Recipe: Std_6in_SiO2_Etch:
  - For etching SiO2
  - Profile: 86.5° - 87.5°; Uniformity: <3%; Etch Rate (2um trench): 363nm/min; Etch Rate (3um trench): 374nm/min; (5um trench): 407nm/min; (10um trench): 427nm/min; (100um trench): 448nm/min; (500um trench): 451nm/min


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